Title Search & Reporting

A title search is a cumbersome but critical process involving a heap of data gathering from many sources. The majority of these processes are time-consuming, manual, and have a high probability of errors resulting in higher costs and timelines. The software we have developed significantly reduces human intervention and performs data gathering, processing, and reporting efficiently. It is backed by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to ensure an excellent outcome. The software covers areas such as - Tax search, Tax lien records, Property deeds filed with the county, Bankruptcy court records, Mortgages, Wills, Court filings, Divorce cases and settlements, Land surveys, County assessment records, Street and sewer assessments, County land records, etc. The software is programmed and integrated to extract information from all US counties and transforms those results into a comprehensive and crisp report. The industry veterans with 50+ years of combined experience have helped create this software, making it even more insightful and relevant to the client's needs.

Key Features
  • Integration with more than 2500 counties in the United States for auto retrieval of title files and related data
  • Multi-faceted approach based on advanced toolset such as RPAs to assess, download or scrape data for the underwriting process
  • Leverages advance ML and AI algorithms for validation and verification of data before forwarding it to underwriters, ensuring a comprehensive and correct report is produced for decision making
Technologies Used
  • Java, MySQL, UI Path, Python, Lambda, Comprehend (NLP), QuickSight
  • Cloud Hosting: AWS
  • Significant reduction in the manual effort required to visit counties to get Title related files and data
  • Underwriting process can be completed in hours instead of days/weeks
  • Pay-per-file model for cost efficiency
  • Seamlessly integrates with existing processes and provides advanced dashboards for data-driven business process optimization

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